
This website lecollier-hotel.com is the property of SARL Hôtel LeCollier.

Designation and head office

Hotel Le Collier

SARL Hôtel Le Collier
19 boulevard Général Vautrin – 06600 Antibes

RC Antibes 90 B 933
TVA intracommunautaire FR 213 799 482 27 000 10

Publication Director

Mister Garreau Cédric
Contact : contact@lecollier-hotel.com

Web hosting

7 Rue Vieille Levée – 45100 Orléans
Website : https://www.haisoft.fr/


DreamPix Communication
10 Cours Masséna – 06600 ANTIBES
Website : www.dreampix.fr
Contact : technique@dreampix.fr

Royalties – Copyrights

The design, the creation, the text and the organization of this web site are originals works and are the absolute property of the SARL Hotel Le Collier. All reproduction or total or partial plagiarism make without the consent of author, or of his beneficiaries, or of his legal successors is illicit. It is similar for the translation, the adaptation and the arranging by whatever process (Law 57298 of march 11th 1957).

Loi Informatique et Liberté : N° 7817 of January 6th 1978

All information containing in the web site and notably the ones collecting about Internet visitors during an inquiry are available for correction or suppression in asking : contact@lecollier-hotel.com

The information putting on forms of this web site which concern you are intended for the hotel-restaurant. Under no circumstances, they will not be transmitting to third parties (partners …).


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